Our confirmation ministry for youth in grades 7, 8, and 9 is called “FINK.” That’s short for Faith Inkubators – the ministry organization who developed the materials and approach we use. It’s a combination of large group presentations, small group processing, fellowship events (goofing off!), and service projects.

  • Wednesday Nights

    Recharge Worship

    This weekly worship is part of FINK. Worship begins at 6:00, with supper served starting at 5:00.

    Large Group Presentations

    AKA “FINK Nites” combine music, skits, video clips, “game show” previews and reviews, analogies and images as Pastor Dave teaches the different parts of our faith. We cover the major components of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism (Sacraments of Baptism and Communion, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments and Apostle’s Creed), Lutheran Worship, and the Bible.

    Small Groups

    This is where “the rubber hits the road.” This is where faith formation happens and relationships are built. Youth are divided into small groups of between 3-6 youth, based on gender and grade level, and are joined by an Adult Guide. In most cases, the same people are in the same small group all three years of FINK. The first thing – and perhaps the most important thing – that happens in small group time following each presentation is the sharing of Highs and Lows and praying for each other’s Highs and Lows. Discussion about the topic of the night takes up most of the rest of small group time.

    Final 15

    All small groups gather once again in the sanctuary for a wrap-up called “Final 15”. This is a contemplative and candlelit time together for reflective prayer - often the favorite part of the night for our youth! Sr. High youth and the mixed choir, along with parents of FINK students also are part of the Final 15.

  • Fellowship Events and Service Projects

    Fellowship Events

    Having fun. Goofing off. Spending time together. Creating shared memories. Each small group will plan and take part in four Fellowship Events together. This could be on those Wednesdays when we do not have FINK presentations, or it could be agreed upon to do it at another more convenient time.

    What are some possible Fellowship Events? Having a campfire. Going for a bike ride on the Mesabi Trail. Having a game night. Going to the game together. Playing broomball against another small group. The sky is the limit! There may be times when all small groups do this together.

    Service Projects

    God calls us to live lives of service. God calls us to “love and serve God by loving and serving people”. It is very clear in God’s call to each and everyone of us that we serve others by sharing God’s love. We should always be the hands and feet of our God and Savior. Each small group will plan and take part in four service projects. This might include helping with a dinner at church, or raking or other outdoor work for the elderly. It could be upkeep of the church property, visiting a nursing home and much more. (how about washing every parent’s car! And don’t forget Pastor Dave’s and Nikki’s cars too!)

  • Other Components

    Sermon Notes

    Each Fink Youth is to complete 20 Sermon notes each year of FINK – 60 over the course of three years. Forms are available in the church lobby area. Click HERE to access the online Sermon Notes form.

    Home Huddles

    Each FINK family is expected to do regular devotions. Ideally “every night in every home.” Each FINK Nite students will be given a take home sheet with those devotions on them. Of the 14 FINK Nights, family’s are expected to sign and turn in 5 Home Huddle Sheets. That would be for a total of 15 Home Huddle sheets over the course of the three years.

    10th Grade Retreat

    Prior to Affirmation of Baptism (aka “Confirmation”) in the Fall of their sophomore year, all 10th graders take part in a retreat/workshop. This is a time to review what we have covered in FINK in preparation to writing a Faith Statement. This year’s retreat is scheduled for Sunday, October 4th from 11am-7pm at Camp Hiawatha.

    Lent Faith Mentoring

    Each FINK Student chooses an adult of the congregation to be their Faith Mentor during the season of Lent each of the three years of FINK. The student and mentor worship together at the mid-week worship services and participate in a guided discussion about life and faith, an the worship service they just experienced.